- Digital integrity of the human person, A new fundamental right
Ana has a background in communication and social sciences. After an internship at FSFE, she continued her career in Berlin and Madrid with various journalistic, communication and production-related experiences, and has been back at FSFE since 2022. There she focuses on communication outreach tasks as well as helping to manage the FSFE community and related events.
- From Apple litigation to Legal Eduation: how the FSFE can help you
Andreas Haupt is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Human-Centered AI., Stanford University, USA. He earned his Ph.D. from MIT’s CSAIL and the College of Computing, with a thesis focusing on the economics of personalization. Andy also holds master’s degrees in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Bonn. Previously, he served at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, contributed to the EU’s antitrust team for platform regulation, and taught high school mathematics. His current research seeks to improve how human preferences are learned in algorithmic systems, and seeks to make the use of large language models more transparent and legible.
- RegretBlocker
Computer engineer who does radio to get things done. Writes slow code which is late but delivers.
- Reliable Radio Communications
Software Entwickler bei Pfandgeben
- Pfandgeben die Plattform zum Pfandspenden
Many years ago, GNUtoo worked on replacing the nonfree GPU driver (also known as Video BIOS or Video option rom) of the ThinkPad X60, with help from other people (Ron Minnich, Vladimir Serbinenko, Peter Stuge). This work made it possible to create 100% free software boot distributions for commonly used computers (like some ThinkPads models, etc). This work was then rewritten multiple time by people other than GNUtoo to be a proper driver and work more reliably on a wider variety of computers.
Around the same time, GNUtoo was also helped Leah Rowe make refurbished ThinkPad X60 pass the FSF (Free software foundation) hardware certification by providing configuration code to build 100% free software images that can replace the nonfree BIOS, along with lot of explanations. Leah then reused all that, and also wrote a proper build system to create Libreboot in 2013.
When in 2022 Libreboot started to include nonfree software, GNUtoo and Adrien Bourmault (neox) created a new 100% free software boot distribution that keeps the spirit of the Libreboot project of that time. For instance it supports the same computers. At the end this gave birth to GNU Boot.
Since then GNUtoo and Adrien worked to redesign a big part of the build system, documentation system, etc. This makes then makes GNU Boot different form the other boot software distributions.
Over the years, GNUtoo also was involved in many distributions with a wide variety of build systems (Guix, Parabola that uses the Arch Linux build system, Trisquel that use the Debian build system, Replicant that uses the Android build system, Yocto/Openembedded many years ago).
- GNU Boot
Hi, I’m Dennis Eisermann, a research assistant at the Institute of Distributed Systems at Ulm University. My work focuses on making deep neural networks more understandable and reliable. I’m really into figuring out how to explain their behavior, so these systems aren’t just black boxes. I also look at ways to defend against adversarial attacks and work on quantifying trust in these models to ensure they’re reliable enough for real-world use.
- Illegal Instruction into Machine Learning
I'm a cs student from Karlsruhe and have been working on the graphite open source project for about three years now.
- From Pixels to Procedures: An Open Source Design Suite for 2025
- RDP to RCE in 5 minutes
I am a researcher and a critical tech enthusiast.
This will be my forth attendance to CCC !
- LLMs hallucinate graphs too!
Robotics researcher automating large vehicles and building fancy light installations in Dresden
- The helyOS Open Source Control Tower Framework - How to tell our robots what to do?
Jakob is an interaction designer, interdisciplinary researcher, maker, live techno act and human being. He uses prototypes as vehicles for exploration and conception as well as for iterative development and (re-)search. Jakob currently works as a scientific associate and lecturer at KISD (institute at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences) as part of the »KITeGG« consortium investigating the interplay between AI and design.
- The Shadow Life of Endless Pots
- The Sound Of Data - Turning planets, DNA and stock prices into music
- Eurobox
Ich bin Leonard Marschke, kümmere mich seit mehr als 10 Jahren um die IT einer gemeinnützigen Organisation. Damals noch mit wenigen Rechnern und weniger als 10 Mitarbeitenden. Seitdem ist die Organisation mächtig gewachsen und wir haben ein IT-Team von 10 Personen aufgebaut, die sowohl die Infrastruktur betreiben als auch eigene Software für unsere (geförderten) Projekte entwickeln.
Ich habe an der Uni Potsdam (Hasso-Plattner-Institut) IT-Systems Engineering im Bachelor und Master studiert. Während meines Studiums habe ich mich intensiv mit der IT-Sicherheit beschäftigt. Im Rahmen dessen konnte ich bereits einige Sicherheitslücken bei proprietärer und freier Software melden und beheben. Aktuell halte ich an der Uni noch eine Vorlesung "Cybersecurity in Practice", in der ich für das Thema Cybersicherheit sensibilisiere und begeistere.
Nach dem Abschluss meines Studiums stand ich vor der Entscheidung das Projekt freie Software in der IT-Infrastruktur der Organisation einschlafen zu lassen oder voll einzusteigen. Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen daran zu arbeiten einige Hürden beim Betrieb, auch für andere Organisationen, auszuräumen. Damit möchte ich dem gesamtgesellschaftlichen Problem einer immer größer werdenden Abhängigkeit von großen Anbietern wie Microsoft oder Google (insbesondere im sozialen Bereich) persönlich entgegen treten.
- Freie Software in Organisationen - Das geht!
👨💻 Vollzeit-Nerd
🐍 Coding
🐧 Linux
🎙️ Podcasting
🤫 Datenschutz
⚡ Laborant
🤖 Informatiker
🧑🏫 Berufliche Bildung
- Old-School Demo-Effekte mit pyxel
Markus Toran is a security consultant from Karlsruhe. His consulting area include offensive security, cryptography and secure software development. He previously studied computer science at KIT, specializing in IT security. He is a proud member of KITCTF.
- Static Security Analysis Tools for Java
Informatiker, Datenschutzfan, vielseitig interessiert.
Mit-Initiator der Volksinitiative Hamburg Werbefrei.
- Hamburg Werbefrei - auf zum Volksbegehren!
Tinkerer by heart, inactive member of Kazoosh and active member of Ready To Fog (we made the structured LED panels on the bar floor). Telecommunications nerd and co-founder at fünfeinhalb making industrial realtime wireless systems for mobile robots and machines.
@bitfasching on GitHub
- Functional Safety over Industrial Ethernet - Broken by Design
Nerd about programming with rust, lighting performances, cycle trips and vegan cooking
- Das bisschen Haushalt - lässt sich nicht gut verteilen
I'm Sofía Aritz, a young programmer passionate about technology as a tool for social transformation. I work on projects with social impact —such as Identity, an initiative designed to contribute to palliative care and the treatment of conditions like dementia— seeking solutions that empower individuals and promote digital autonomy.
You can learn more about me here: https://sofiaritz.com/en
- Youth Hacking 4 Freedom
Systems Engineer; I spent more time than I would have liked to with niche HPC stuff.
- RDMA for No-Compromises Remote Desktop Experiences
Hardware- und Softwarehacker, viel zu involviert in der studentischen Selbstverwaltung. Kennt (Teile von) Satzungen auswendig
- Satzungsänderung unter Zuhilfenahme von ReStructuredText, Git und Python
- C02 negative energy production
curious cat.
- Inside a modern groovebox
I develop software, algorithms, and ideas both for work and for fun
- Does the Doomguy live in a simulation? Gaming and Quantum Mechanics
Jiska Classen is a wireless and mobile security researcher at Hasso Plattner Institute. The intersection of these topics means that she digs into iOS internals, reverse engineers wireless firmware, and analyzes proprietary protocols. Her practical work on public Bluetooth security analysis tooling uncovered remote code execution and cryptographic flaws in billions of mobile devices. She also likes to work on obscure and upcoming wireless technologies, for example, she recently uncovered vulnerabilities in Ultra-wideband distance measurement and reverse engineered Apple's AirTag communication protocol.
She has previously spoken at Black Hat USA, DEF CON, RECon, hardwear.io, Chaos Communication Congress, Chaos Communication Camp, Gulasch Programmier Nacht, MRMCDs, Easterhegg, Troopers, Pass the Salt, NotPinkCon, gave various lectures and trainings, and published at prestigious academic venues.
- Detecting Fake Base Stations with CellGuard on iOS
- iOS Inactivity Reboot
kolAflash is a LibreOffice hacker and mostly working on the WASM porting and PGP integration. Free Software communities, hacker culture & conferences have been a part of his life since a long time. And he likes to use his favorite rock solid Debian GNU/Linux to do everything from running webservers to having a round of SuperTuxKart ;-)
- LibreOffice WASM & JS - Blending a C++ FOSS into a web app
- A tiny self-contained piece of (home)automation infrastructure
Gründungmitglied Linux Usergrop Marl & c3RE
Mitglied in mehreren Energiegenossenschaften
- 400kWp Eigenbau-PV als Genossenschaft
Hi, my name is Moritz and I am interested in off the grid mesh networks.
- Chaos Sticker Collection
Likes to play with computers
- Midimaxe
TeamFrance coach at European Cybersecurity Challenge.
- Shovel: leveraging Suricata for Attack-Defense CTF
average rustacean
- How to build a giant inflatable crab
Ich habe gerade meine Bachelorarbei im Studiengag Landwirtschaft abgegeben und bin Mitinhaber eines Landwirtschaftilchen Betriebes. Vor dem Landwirtschaftsstudium habe ich erflogreich (Bachelor) Informatik studiert.
Ich bin unter DECT 8933 zu erreichen.
- Moderne Landwirtschaft ist kaputt, oder?